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欢迎访问亚洲体育博彩平台网站(以下简称“网站”). 通过访问和使用本网站,您同意, 不受限制或限制, 遵守以下条款和条件.


版权所有©Saab AB 2021. 版权所有.

本网站包含的所有内容, 比如文本, 图形, 标志, 按钮图标, 图片, 音频剪辑和软件是亚洲体育博彩平台的财产, 它的子公司, 子公司, 许可人或合资伙伴. 本网站提供的信息不得copied, copied, copied, 转移, 传播, 分布式, 存储, 修改, 下载, 重用, 发表, 许可, 转发, sold or otherwise exploited for any commercial use without the prior written approval of Saab, 它的子公司, 子公司, 许可人或合资伙伴.

然而, 资料可能会被copied, 存储 and 下载 for strictly personal use and non-commercial purposes, 或者另有说明的地方, if all copiedright and other proprietary notices contained on the material is retained.

The use of press releases and other documents classified as public is permitted in public communications if the source of the 信息 has been stated.


SAAB® and the SAAB TECHNOLOGIES logotype are registered trademarks of Saab AB. 所有产品名称, 公司名称和标识可能是商标, 亚洲体育博彩平台的注册商标或商品名称, 它的子公司, 子公司, 许可人或合资伙伴 and are the property of any of these companies.

Your access to the Site should not be construed as granting any license or right to use any trademarks or other rights appearing on the Site without the prior written consent of Saab, 它的子公司, 子公司, 授权人专有, 合营伙伴或其第三方所有人. Saab’s trademarks may only be used after prior written consent from Saab.


所有 信息 on this Site is provided as is without any representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied 包括 但不限于 implied warranties of merchantability, 令人满意的质量, 适合某一特定目的或不侵权. The 信息 发表 on this Site may be out of date or include omissions, 不准确或其他错误. 亚洲体育博彩平台可能对本网站进行更改和补充, 包括任何产品或服务的描述, 在任何时间,恕不另行通知. 亚洲体育博彩平台不承担任何错误或遗漏的责任, 或者任何更新失败, such content and any decisions based on the content are the sole responsibility of the visitor. The content 发表 on this Site does not constitute any contractual or other binding commitment on Saab or any member of the Saab group, nor shall any such content be construed as an offer or other invitation to purchase or sell goods or services.


Saab provides hyper文本 links to sites on the Internet, which are owned or operated by third parties. These are provided for your convenience and Saab is not responsible for and has no control over such other sites.

Using an external hyper文本 link means that you may be leaving the Site and Saab therefore takes no responsibility for and gives no warranties, guarantees or representations in respect of such linked third party websites. 通过链接到第三方网站, you shall review and agree to that site's rules of use before using such site. You also agree that Saab is not responsible for the privacy policies or procedures or the content of such third party websites and cannot assume any responsibility for material created or 发表 by such third-party sites. 除了, a link to a non-Saab site does not imply that Saab endorses the site or the products or services referenced in such third party site.


Although every care has been taken to assure the accuracy of the 信息 on the Site, Saab provides this 信息 "as is" and disclaims all warranties, 明示或暗示, 包括, 但不限于, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that your use of the Site is at your sole risk and that you assume full responsibility for all costs associated with 使用本网站. 在任何情况下亚洲体育博彩平台都不会, 它的子公司, 子公司, 许可人或合资伙伴 be liable to any person or business entity for any direct, 间接, 特殊的, 偶然的, 重要的, 或其他损害基于任何使用, 或者无法使用, the 信息 or software made available on the Site or any other website to which this Site is linked, 包括, 但不限于, 任何利润损失, 业务中断, 或丢失程序、信息或其他, even if Saab has been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages.

Saab makes no warranty that the Site is free from infection by viruses or anything else that has contaminating or destructive properties. 除了, Saab also assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damage to, or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, 使用本网站, 或下载任何资料, data, 文本, 图片, 来自本网站的视频或音频.

进一步, for non-Saab websites that are referenced in our Site or where a hyperlink appears, Saab makes no warranties concerning the accuracy or reliability of the 信息 in these websites and assumes no responsibility for material created or 发表 by third parties contained therein. 除了, it is up to you to take precautions and to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of such items as viruses, 蠕虫, 特洛伊木马和其他具有破坏性的物品. Information on the Site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The 信息 contained on the Site may be changed at any time without prior notification or obligation. Saab makes no commitment to update the 信息 or other materials entered in the Site. Saab does not warrant that its web pages will be uninterrupted or error-free. Saab reserves the right to withdraw access to the pages at any time.

User Submissions – Submission of material, questions and answers, comments or suggestions

通过向我们的任何服务器提交材料, 例如, 通过电子邮件或通过亚洲体育博彩平台万维网页面, you agree that: (a) the material will not contain any item that is unlawful or otherwise unfit for publication; (b) you will use reasonable efforts to scan and remove any viruses or other contaminating or destructive features before submitting any material; and (c) you own the material or have the unlimited right to provide it to us and Saab may publish the material free of charge and/or incorporate it or any 概念 described in it in our products without accountability or liability (d) you agree not to take action against us in relation to material that you submit and you agree to indemnify us if any third party takes action against us in relation to the material you submit.

Saab does not and cannot review the content posted by users on its Site and is not responsible for such content. Saab may at any time at its own discretion remove any content posted by users. Saab assumes no responsibility or liability for any material submitted to any of our servers. 请注意任何材料, 信息, 未经请求的建议, ideas or other communications you 传输 or post to the Site will be considered non-confidential, 非排他的, 免版税, 不可撤销的, 完全可分许可且非专有的(“通信”). 亚洲体育博彩平台在通信方面没有任何义务.

通过发送任何信息或材料, 你给了亚洲体育博彩平台无限制的, 不可撤销的使用许可, 繁殖, copied, 显示, 执行, 修改, 传输, 分发, 合并和/或以其他方式使用通信, 连同所有数据, 图片, 听起来, 文本, 以及包含在其中的其他事物, 用于任何和所有商业或非商业目的. 您还同意亚洲体育博彩平台可以自由使用任何创意, 概念, 您为任何目的提供给我们的专有知识或技术.


亚洲体育博彩平台可能在不事先通知的情况下进行变更, 修改或撤销对本网站的访问, 或这些页面的内容在任何时候. 你有责任检查任何更改. 这些规定将于公布后立即生效.


This Site was created, and is operated, according to the laws of Sweden. In determining any disputes in relation to the Site the laws of Sweden will apply and the Courts of Sweden will have exclusive jurisdiction. 如果有任何项, condition or provision of these 法律通知 is determined to be unlawful, 无效的, 无效或因任何原因不能强制执行, 剩余条款的有效性和可执行性, conditions and provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.



亚洲体育博彩平台致力于保护您的个人数据. This Privacy Policy outlines the 信息 we collect and how we use that 信息. 本隐私政策适用于Saab网站, 它的子公司, 子公司, 许可人或合资伙伴. 亚洲体育博彩平台公司是所处理个人数据的控制者. This policy is designed to help visitors understand what 信息 we gather from our Site, how we handle the 信息 once we gather it and how to contact us in case of any questions regarding our processing of the data.


You are free to explore our Site without providing any Personal data about yourself. 当您访问本网站并通过任何形式注册时, 我们可能会要求您输入您的个人资料. This is used to provide you with your requested 信息 and may also be used in further marketing programs.


When you do provide us with Personal data, we use that 信息 for the following purposes:

  1. we store and process that 信息 to better understand your needs and how we can improve our products and services;
  2. we (or a fulfilment house or other third party on our behalf) use that 信息 to contact you; and/or
  3. we provide other third parties with aggregate - but not individual - 信息 about visitors or users of our Site.

我们现在和将来都不打算出售, 出租或出售有关您的个人资料给第三方.

We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your Personal data from unauthorized access, 使用或披露. We secure the Personal data you provide on computer servers in a controlled, 安全的环境, 防止未经授权的访问, 使用或披露.


Saab’s collection of Personal data is based on the need to carry out the processes stipulated above. To the extent that Saab uses the Personal data to improve our Site as well as our products or services the basis for collection of data is Saab’s legitimate interest to conduct such improvements and analysis.



当您浏览我们的网站时, we will store some technical 信息 on your computer which does not identify you as an individual. This 信息 will be in the form of a "cookie" or similar file and will help us better serve you. 饼干 are small 文本 files that a website transfers to your hard disk or browser, 然后将cookie存储在你的硬盘上. cookie会告诉我们您访问的时间和长度, 你在我们网站上浏览的页面, 还有你来我们网站之前访问过的网站. 我们还会记录您的互联网服务提供商的名称. This 信息 allows us to measure site activity to tailor 信息 to suit your individual preferences. The goal is to save you time and provide you with a more meaningful visit. 通过显示访问者使用本网站的方式和时间, this 信息 can help us to improve our Site on a continual basis. We will only use cookies to view 信息 on your hard drive that was put there by a cookie from this Site.

Upon visiting our sites, we will ask for you consent to place cookies. 只有“必要”的cookie是强制性的, if you change your mind you can via underlying links change or revoke your consent: 



如果您不希望收到cookies, 或者希望在转移时收到通知, 您可以设置您的网页浏览器这样做, 如果您的浏览器允许的话. Previously 存储 cookies can also be deleted through the web browser. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these functions.

For more 信息 on the cookies used on this Site, please contact us at dpo@saabgroup.com.


亚洲体育博彩平台可能会不时对本隐私政策进行修改. 然而, your Personal Data will always be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy that was in effect at the time of collection.

Saab AB, 581 88, Linköping, Sweden, is the controller of the Personal data. This means that we are responsible for the Personal data being processed correctly and in accordance with applicable laws.

To exercise any of your rights above, please contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@saabgroup.com. 我们会及时改变, correct or update your 信息 in accordance with your above rights and notify you of the action we have taken.

